Power generation
Cleaning power generation equipment using dry ice blasting technology is non-abrasive and non-conductive. You can clean in-place with this simple and environmentally friendly process. There is little or no disassembly and no need to cool down the equipment while using this cleaning process.
Conventional cleaning methods such as pressure washing or sandblasting take longer to clean and dry and can be abrasive which leads to damage of equipment. Since dry ice is non-abrasive, non-conductive, does not contain secondary waste, and does not require drying, it is a safer and much more efficient alternative.
- Reduction of disruption time by 70%
- Zero secondary waste
- Non-abrasive
- Non-conductive
- Dry process
- No additional chemicals needed

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Contact Info
International Dry Ice Company (DIFCO2)
12 Botrous Ghaly St., Roxy, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
Sun-Thu: 09:00am - 05:00pm
Fri-Sat: Off